Meteorologist is a free weather program for macOS.
It allows users control over their weather viewing, including simultaneous interlaced weather reports from multiple weather locations, and much more.
-- 4.0.7 --
Correct ProvideBy and PresentBy URL's
Add package: SwiftTimeZoneLookup
Show sunrise and sunset in location's timezone
Correct crash caused by NOAA data not being available (typically poor WiFi)
Update icons for better resolution
-- Meteorologist Classic --
28 February 2025
Meteo 4.0.7 released
Feature release
23 Nov 2024
Meteo 4.0.6 released
Feature release
22 June 2024
Meteo 4.0.5 released
Feature release
19 March 2024
Meteo 4.0.4 released
Feature release
16 November 2023
Meteo 4.0.3 released
Feature release
4 September 2023
Meteo 4.0.2 released
Feature release
16 Jun 2023
Meteo 4.0.1 released
Feature release
1 Jun 2023
Meteo 4.0.0 released
Feature release
21 Jun 2022
Meteo 3.5.2 released
Feature release
3 Jan 2022
Meteo 3.5.1 released
Maintenance release
11 Sept 2021
Meteo 3.5.0 released
Maintenance release
19 Jul 2021
Meteo 3.4.6 released
Maintenance release
19 Jun 2021
Meteo 3.4.5 released
Maintenance release
27 Nov 2020
Meteo 3.4.3 released
Maintenance release
10 July 2020
Meteo 3.4.2 released
Maintenance release
4 July 2020
Meteo 3.4.1 released
Maintenance release
22 June 2020
Meteo 3.4.0 released
Maintenance release
15 Mar 2020
Meteo 3.3.4 released
Maintenance release
22 Feb 2020
Meteo 3.3.3 released
Maintenance release
08 Feb 2020
Meteo 3.3.2 released
Maintenance release
07 Dec 2019
Meteo 3.3.0 released
Maintenance release
12 Jul 2019
Meteo 3.2.0 released
Maintenance release
10 Jul 2019
Meteo 3.1.9 released
Maintenance release
12 Jun 2019
Meteo 3.1.8 released
Maintenance release
5 Mar 2019
Meteo 3.1.7 released
A real release
8 Feb 2019
Meteo 3.1.6 released
Yahoo fix and more...
9 June 2018
Meteo 3.1.4 released
Maintenance release
21 Nov 2017
Meteo 3.1.3 released
Maintenance release
1 Nov 2017
Meteo 3.1.2 released
Maintenance release
23 Oct 2017
Meteo 3.1.1 released
Maintenance release
15 Oct 2017
Meteo 3.1.0 released!
Maintenance release.
03 May 2017
Meteo 3.0.5 released!
Maintenance release.
03 May 2017
Meteo 3.0.4 released!
Maintenance release.
8 Apr 2017
Meteo 3.0.3 released!
Maintenance release.
26 Mar 2017
Meteo 3.0.2 released!
Maintenance release.
16 Mar 2017
Meteo 3.0.1 released!
Maintenance release.
6 Mar 2017 <
span class="newsheadline">Meteo 3.0.0 released!
Feature update.
Apr 25 2016
Meteo 2.0.5 released!
Maintenance release.
Feb 16 2016
Meteo 2.0.4 released!
Maintenance release.
Feb 12 2016
Meteo 2.0.3 released!
Maintenance release.
Feb 10 2016
Meteo 2.0.2 released!
Maintenance release.
Jan 30 2016
Meteo 2.0.1 released!
Maintenance release.
Jan 22 2016
Meteo 2.0.0 released!
A whole new Meteorologist!
Dec 1 2012
Meteo 1.6.1 released!
Maintenance release.
July 13 2011
Meteo 1.5.6 released!
Maintenance release.
June 5 2011
Meteo 1.5.5 released!
Maintenance release.
May 29 2011
Meteo 1.5.4 released!
Maintenance release.
April 17 2011
Meteo 1.5.3 released!
Maintenance release.
August 21 2010
Meteo 1.5.2 released!
Maintenance release.
June 3 2010
Meteo 1.5.1 released!
Maintenance release.
March 10 2010
Meteo 1.5.0 released! changes site format, again
Just a few weeks after our latest release, has changed their site format again. User edwardd20 has again taken up the task of updating Meteo to deal with the changes, along with implementing a few other improvements.
February 22 2010
Meteo 1.4.9 released!
After multiple beta versions and great testing and feedback by Meteo users, version 1.4.9 is now out! A great thanks goes out to user edwardd20 for picking up work on Meteo and providing the necessary fixes to make it work again.
Please note: all users who were using the beta versions should update to this official release.
February 6 2010
Meteo problems and fixes
The latest release of Meteo no longer works for updating weather data, as has changed their page layout again.
However, fellow Meteo user edwardd20 has come to the rescue! He has been working on a beta which fixes these and some other issues. You can find release information and more details on the relevant Help forum thread (note that the newest posts are at the end).
Please note that as always, the Meteo team does not endorse this beta version in any way, but we wanted to publicize it so that users (especially new ones) can use the app and not just give up on it.
September 6 2007
Meteo 1.4.8
Just days after the 1.4.7 release, a new release is out to fix the menubar icon bug.
If anyone is interested in either updating a localization of Meteo, or adding a new localization, please contact Joe at joecrow "@" users "dot" source forge "dot" net.
September 4 2007
Meteo 1.4.7
Meteorologist user Henrik Levkowetz has provided the community with a fix of weather data for International Cities. For anyone with an international city in her city list, this update is a must. Thanks Henrik!
If anyone is interested in either updating a localization of Meteo, or adding a new localization, please contact Joe at joecrow "@" users "dot" source forge "dot" net.
July 13 2007
Meteo 1.4.6
We've again fixed city search. Hopefully it doesn't break a few days later this time!
Meteorologist 1.4.6 only works for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or greater.
June 26 2007
Meteo 1.4.5
The Meteo team has finally released a new version of Meteorologist. Please see the release notes below for more information.
Meteorologist 1.4.5 only works for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or greater.
27 May 2007
New Release Soon
We're working on a new fix for city search. Please stay tuned for a new release.
14 March 2007
City search broken, fixes
Since Meteo's lead developer is currently busy and has little time to work on the program, a huge problem – the inability to search for and add new cities – has remained unfixed for a fairly long time. While there currently is no "official" fix to the problem, a member of the Meteo user community has come forward with a small "patching" application that will allow the search function to work again.
You can find this utility, called Fix Meteorologist, on MacUpdate. The Meteo team does not endorse this patch in any way, but we wanted to publicize it so that users (especially new ones) can use the app and not just give up on it (since it was essentially impossible to add new cities). A special thanks goes out to Diamond Software for coming up with the patch and making it available. [ Discuss... ]
9 April 2006
Small updates
Some new screenshots have been posted online for those of you who want to see what you're getting before you download it.
In addition, an Intel-native build (Universal Binary) is in the works. If you'd like to help out with this effort, please let us know!
If you have submitted a bug at some point, we also ask you to check its status and close it if the problem has gone away or been otherwise resolved. Thanks! [ Discuss... ]
1 October 2005
New release (1.4.4) !
The Meteo team is proud to announce a new stable release - version 1.4.4; it includes the following fixes:
Go ahead and download the release now. Note that there are two different files: one for Jaguar users, and another for Panther and Tiger users. Please be sure to select the file appropriate for your system. [ Discuss... ]
21 July 2005
Updates from the helm
A couple of things have happened since the last update.
First, another alpha version of the next major release of Meteo, Meteo 2.0a2, was released on June 5th. See the release notes and give it a try - but only if you're feeling adventurous - the version is still littered with numerous bugs.
In addition, it appears that recently broke the search function for many European cities. The Meteo team will look into this soon to try to resolve the issue.
Lastly, the FAQ has just been updated to include a question about adding radar to your list of weather items. Note that while radar it turned off by default, you can still add it! Just go over to the FAQ and see for yourself. [ Discuss... ]
1 June 2005
Trackers cleaned up
After some quiet time on the website, lensovet has re-emerged and has undertaken a thorough cleaning of the Bug and Feature Request trackers. If you submitted an item, please visit it to view updated information (if you haven't received an email already).
In addition, we are planning two releases to appear very soon! [ Discuss... ]
18 February 2005
Website expanded
The webpage has been expanded a bit. I have added the FAQ page, which is a bit nicer than the Doc version at this point. A new navigation box sits on the left side of the page as well.
In addition, a screenshot has been added to the Screenshots section of the SF project area.
6 February 2005
FAQs now available
The much-anticipated FAQ is now available. You can find it in the Docs section of the SourceForge project area. The document will shortly be added to the Meteo homepage and will also become a part of the next Meteo release.
View the FAQs at this page now.
4 February 2005
New version 1.4.3 released
This version of Meteo fixes various problems that have been found in 1.4.2, including the question mark icon bug.
Download it now.
22 January 2005
We need your questions!
The Meteo team is compiling a FAQ answer page that will be available online and in future releases of Meteo
Please leave us a comment on the forum with any questions you might have.
20 January 2005
New version 1.4.2 released
This version of Meteo fixes various problems that have been found in 1.4.1, including a consistent crash problem.
Download now from the downloads page.
19 January 2005
Version 1.4.2 soon
Users have been struggling with problems and bugs found in version 1.4.1.
Among the problems are crashes and never-ending "Loading..." Menu Items.
Unfortunately, is down for maintenance so I cannot post 1.4.2 tonight, it will have to wait until tomorrow morning (afternoon GMT). Version 1.4.2 addresses several issues: a situation where the rain icon was displayed during snow flurries, a crash after wakeup from sleep, an interface glitch regarding the enabling/disabling of Global Units, the ability to change the pressure units, and correct conversion of the pressure units to hectopascals.
18 January 2005
Version 1.4.1 released
Meteo is back. support is fixed. Plus: I've fixed the Dock, re-enabled automatic updates, and redirected Meteo's debug output to a separate log file.
Download it now.
16 January 2005
New format for breaks Meteo forecasts
Meteo's data source is has changed its page again. This change prevents Meteo from parsing and displaying forecasts correctly. Only limited information is displayed (current temperature). The changes are site-wide and affect all locations and zip codes. Reports from Canadian, European, and US locations confirm the bad news.
Meteo developer joecrow is aware of the problem “...Unfortunately it takes a while to fix it. It's rather frustrating, too...” version 2 was planned to alleviate this problem “...but it's not ready for prime time yet.”
In version 2 it should be very easy to add support for NOAA to Meteo -- though this probably will not help international users.